Fear is the Mind killer.
The Path to ruin.
Reach into the box.
Ignore the pain.
Delusions of the self;
become a mind filler.
The Sheep kill the Fox.
The Farmer looks for rain.
All paths lead to the One.
The One leads away the Ox.
The Ox is sacrificed,
behind the rocks.
Creating wealth,
food for the shelf.
Letting others live and dream,
and the Angels to take wing.
The Path to ruin.
Reach into the box.
Ignore the pain.
Delusions of the self;
become a mind filler.
The Sheep kill the Fox.
The Farmer looks for rain.
All paths lead to the One.
The One leads away the Ox.
The Ox is sacrificed,
behind the rocks.
Creating wealth,
food for the shelf.
Letting others live and dream,
and the Angels to take wing.